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Sales of a stainless steel bellows safety function testing device for stainless steel bellows

    • Release time:2018-03-02 16:03:58
    • Views:2429

Today is the test method of melamine thermosetting anti static panel wear resistance.

1. the grinding wheel is placed at a temperature of (23 + 2) C, and the relative humidity is (50 + 5)% of the environment to treat 7d.

2., the two grinding wheels are mounted on the machine, and the counter is set at zero. The specimen is clamped with the specimen clamp, then the grinding wheel is gently placed on the test piece, and the grinding wheel is applied to the test piece with the force of 5 N+0.2 N. Turn on the vacuum cleaner and rotate the specimen. Each 25~50 ring specimen inspection and check the degree of wear and tear, is filled with fine emery cloth, if the cloth is fine with 500 seconds or ring, should replace emery cloth.

3. when the initial wear point (IP) appears, the number of rotations is recorded and the number of rotations is also recorded when the final wear (FP) is worn.

Note: the initial wear point (IP), in the pattern of the surface layer is about 5% of the grinding surface pattern is ground; in the monochromatic surface layer refers to the grinding surface on the bottom of about 5% other colors show. The final wear point (FP), in the pattern of the surface layer refers to the grinding surface about 95% patterns is ground: about the bottom 95% other colors is exposed in monochrome surface layer.

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